Art.10 of Tort Law of PRC stipulates the joint dangerous act. 《侵权责任法》第10条规定的是共同危险行为。
The conviction, as an activity of cognition, is to judge whether a certain dangerous act constitute an offence or not. 定罪乃判定某一危害行为构成犯罪与否的认识活动,应当合乎认识论的基本原理;
Whether the subjective requisite of dangerous act should be the element of defining the joint dangerous act is decided by the types of tort. 共同危险行为的主体和主观构成要素的界定对于避免加害人范围的不当扩张具有重要的意义。
The traditional viewpoints of the theory of criminal constitution that the dangerous act is one of the objective elements confuse the object of cognition with the intermediate of cognition. 传统犯罪构成理论将危害行为视为犯罪构成客观要件之一,混淆了认识客体和认识中介之间的界限。
Chapter two, the paper discusses the responsibility foundation of joint dangerous act. 第二章讨论的是共同危险行为的归责基础。
Chapter one, I attempt to clarify the conception and essential characteristics of joint dangerous act. 第一章试图厘清共同危险行为的概念内涵、本质特征、制度起源。
Secondly, I will attach importance to the temperament of crime of dangerous act. 第二部分我将着重分析危险犯的性质。
Which lead a bad influence to the legislation and the judicial practice on the crime of dangerous act. 这在很大程度上影响了危险犯立法的进一步合理化和司法实务中危险犯的准确认定。
The dangerous act is the object of cognition while the constitution of crime is the intermediate of cognition. 在这一认识活动中,危害行为是认识的客体,犯罪构成是认识的中介。
The precondition of transformed robbery is that it is a crime not a dangerous act. 转化型抢劫罪转化的前提条件应当为罪,而不是危害行为;
We should avoid both the tendency of taking all the corresponding conduct as crime and taking some serious dangerous act as non crime. 对于具有对合性质的行为,既要避免将其一律作为犯罪,也要避免将严重的对合性行为非罪化的倾向;
The joint dangerous act is an important pattern of the general joint tort. 共同危险行为是广义共同侵权行为的一个重要形态。
Chapter 2 discusses the components of the concurrent dangerous act. 第二章讨论了共同危险行为的构成要件。
Concurrent dangerous act system is a relatively special one in tort liability theories, also an important component of law of torts. 共同危险行为制度在侵权行为理论中是相对而言较为特殊的一种,是侵权行为法的一个重要组成部分。
We should comb out joint dangerous act theory again to settle concerned disputes. 我们应当对共同危险行为理论进行重新梳理,以解决相关争议。
The existence of joint dangerous act extends from general tort field to special tort field. 共同危险行为制度从传统的一般侵权领域延伸到了特殊侵权领域。
The system of joint dangerous act is an important legal system in modern tort law. 共同危险行为制度是现代侵权行为法中一项重要的法律制度,是数人侵权中的一个重要类型。
This brings new challenges to joint dangerous act in the traditional civil law theory. 这给传统民法理论中的共同危险行为带来了新的挑战。
There are many disputes on theory in the traditional joint dangerous act. 传统的共同危险行为在理论上尚存在很多争议。
The unknown specific infringer is the core of the elements of Joint Dangerous Act. 在共同危险行为的构成要件中,具体侵权人不明是最核心的要件。
Section I describes liability consequences of joint dangerous act. 第一节阐述共同危险行为的责任后果。
Chapter 4 is about the exemptions and liability undertaking of concurrent dangerous act. 第四章是共同危险行为的免责事由和责任承担。
Section II analyzes liability relief of joint dangerous act. 第二节对共同危险行为责任免除作了分析。
Based on this, then the provisions of tort law are provided to solve the joint dangerous act. 基于此,《侵权责任法》遂规定共同危险行为制度以资解决。
The aim of this paper is to try to research joint dangerous act in both general tort and special tort, giving some new ideas to attract good researches by considering existing disputes. 本文的研究目的在于尝试对一般侵权领域和特殊侵权领域中的共同危险行为进行研究,通过对现存的理论争议进行思考,提出一些新的看法以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。
The first part is elements of joint dangerous act. 第一部分是共同危险行为与构成要件。
At the same time, joint dangerous act contains joint dangerous act in both general tort and special tort according to this paper. 同时,本文认为共同危险行为包括了一般侵权领域和特殊侵权领域中的共同危险行为。
Section three investigates on the constituent elements of Joint dangerous act, and this is the key point of this Chapter. 第三节对共同危险行为的构成要件进行了探讨,这也是本章的重点所在。
The joint dangerous act related to legal provisions, a judge in dealing with such cases to provide a clear legal basis for the law embodied in the regulation and balanced "act innocent people" and "innocent victims" high degree of interest between the techniques. 共同危险行为相关法律条文的规定,给法官在处理此类案件提供了明确的法律依据,体现出法律在调控、平衡无辜行为人和无辜受害人之间利益关系的高度技巧。
For joint dangerous act liability, there are different constitutive requirements in different fields. 对于共同危险行为责任的构成要件,笔者认为不同领域的共同危险行为责任有着不同的构成要件。